Conference Committee
Conference Conveners
Dr Olivia Carter
Clinical Psychologist | BA, DPsych (Clinical) | Centre for Clinical Interventions
Shannon Calvert
Lived Experience Educator & Advisor
Scientific Chair
Associate Professor Sue Byrne
Clinical Psychologist | DPhil | The Swan Centre | The University of Western Australia
Conference Conveners
Dr Olivia Carter
Clinical Psychologist | BA, DPsych (Clinical) | Centre for Clinical Interventions
Shannon Calvert
Lived Experience Educator & Advisor
Scientific Chair
Associate Professor Sue Byrne
Clinical Psychologist | DPhil | The Swan Centre | The University of Western Australia
Committee Members
2021 Conference Committee Members: Olivia Carter, Shannon Calvert, Sue Byrne, Anthea Fursland, Fiona Cartwright, Jemma Caswell, Kasia Targowski, Emma Dove, Kate Fleming, Melissa Edwin, Kim Hoiles, Fintan O’Looney, Tania Coats, Janet Fountaine, Rebecca Godin
ANZAED Team: Jeremy Freeman & Rini Das
Names from the top left (across, then down).
ANZAED Team: Jeremy Freeman & Rini Das
Names from the top left (across, then down).